Diversion Trailer Available LAN
version (1.5Mb) - or Modem version (310Kb) |
Note: to view the trailer video you will need Windows Media Player or similar.
- Week One
- - Week One - - Week One - - Week One - - Week One - - Week One - - Week
One - - Week One -
Fri 19th
7:30 |
Sat 20th
9am-noon |
Sat 20th
7:30pm |
Sun 21st
11am |
Sun 21st
6:30pm |
The River is a monthly event at St Silas and this one will be a launch for the Diversion weeks. It is an informal, flexible exploration of our relationship with God, and His plans for us.
Pancakes and Poetry Free
pancakes and tea or coffee while you listen to some words from "Beware a government run by poets because they hear your thoughts and they study your feelings..." |
Cabaret and Canapes A mellow evening with Stewart Henderson, Singer/songwriter
David Currie Jeb's Da - the recently formed acoustic/blues band Hosted by John McKinnon - chaplain to the Scottish Claymores.
Diversion I Interactive and Suitable for |
Cutting edge issues: God,
money, sex, power - and how you fit into all Presented in a humorous and incisive way by the travelling ensemble from the Riding Lights Theatre Company based in York. |
- Week Two
- - Week Two - - Week Two - - Week Two - - Week Two - - Week Two - - Week
Two - - Week Two -
Thur 25th
7:30pm |
Fri 26th
7:30pm |
Sat 27th
8pm |
Sun 28st
11am |
Sun 28st
6:30pm |
Just Living Come and explore practical steps which we can each take here and now to move towards a more just and sustainable lifestyle. Help us to think through the issues in a positive and constructive way. Enough Doom and Gloom, what can we actually do? Four
workshops will take place focusing on discussing practical ways Workshop leaders include Eildon Dyre (Christian Aid), Tim Shand (Green Party Candidate in 2001 General Election).
Just Celebrate A
chance to celebrate and join in with positive examples of changes we can
make in our lifestyle to be fairer to other people and easier on the Fun.
Frolics. Fairness. Big Sing - Just Singing with John Bell & Mairi Munro of Wild Goose Resource Group Fair Trade Fashion Show with live music from ZUBA Stalls with goodies, crafts, food, clothes, etc. Fair Trade organic and local food, food co-op and car share scheme |
"I have come through a lot of pain and tragedy on this journey called life. I searched for peace in many places and hungered for answers. I then began to understand God's purpose for my life..." - Kelita.
Diversion II Interactive and Suitable for
Uncompromising Christianity from a singer/song-writer who has been on the front-line for God.
- Week Three
- - Week Three - - Week Three - - Week Three - - Week Three - - Week Three
- - Week Three -
Thur 1st
8pm |
Fri 2nd
8pm |
Sat 3rd
8pm |
Sun 4th
11am |
Sun 4th
6:30pm |
So Face It A Multi-media presentation exploring the Christian faith and the claims of Jesus Christ.
Diversion - Youth Youth event for secondary age teens - the start of something new...."
Ceilidh High octane, high energy with the Chulainn Ceilidh Band.
Diversion III Interactive
and Suitable for
The Way We took the diversion and found The Way. Stories from people just like you.
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maintained by
Graham Lynch and Alasdair Downes |