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The first outing for Women 4 Women was April 28th 2003. We looked at the scripture which says "Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labour or spin, yet I tell you not even Solomon was dressed like one of these" Luke12:27. We have to truly believe that God will provide for all our needs and cares for all our problems. We reminded one another about what scripture tells us about the character of God. we confessed our doubts and petitioned him with the things that keep us in darkness. We then asked to be led forward from all that burdens us, and move into light by laying down stones and taking up lilies to remind us of his promise in scripture.
The second, on 1st December 2003, was a reflective service on 'waiting' and coincided with Advent. We looked at our journeys in life also our spiritual journey of faith and how they can both be affected by long periods of waiting. We had monologues (written and performed by women in the congregation) from women in the bible, telling us how they found themselves in periods of waiting, for children, healing, partners etc and how God stepped in and gave them the strength to go on. We declared 25 promises of God, one for each day of advent. A cross was made up of lights symbolising the light of our hopes and the things that we wait on, we then picked up small Gold stars each with a promise, to remind us of the hope that is Christ. Around 70 women attended which was fantastic with around 25 actively involved in creating and running it.
next Women4 Women is a celebration of who we are as women and the new
life we find in Christ. |
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maintained by
Graham Lynch and Alasdair Downes |