St. Silas Outreach

The church and its members support many missionary and outreach initiatives both at home and abroad. It is the policy of the church to commit to giving 20 percent of the previous year's income to such activity.

Yvonne Mildred working in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with SIM

Mary Gardner working with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Togo

David & June Griffiths working with OMF in Manila - Philippines

Sheena McBain prepairing to go to Burundi

Pam Forster in Malawi with the Navigators

Bryan & Layla Mathers also with Navs, this time in Tanzania

John Jacob in India with Scripture Union

Paul and Ina Watson working in Sri Lanka with CMS.

Alpha Courses we try to run regular Alpha courses as often as possible.

Youth Outreach, the church tries to play an active role in the community around it particularly through its youth outreach programme. This involves football, Youth Alpha and detached youthwork.

Glasgow City Mission, many of the members of the church are involved in the work of the City Mission with the homeless people in Glasgow.

Navigators, Mitch Bock has been around St Silas for a number of years and is currently a full time worker with Navigators in Glasgow

UCCF, supporting the CU movement within Universities

Friends International, working with students from around the world

Yevone SU NAvsMary alphaTF Griffiths City Mission

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